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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Xi Retlah iX

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Posts posted by Xi Retlah iX

  1. haha Chadd, it seems like from my personal experiences, (and i guess yours too ha) that everyone i see wearing a mirrored visor has a piss poor attitude.. not ripping on anyone here who rocks one, just from my experience. I got nothing against the visors.. its more of the people i know who have one..

  2. it's the mirrored visors that irk me. Just one of those things.

    I think the same, Hook. If your not Ovechkin, why wear one?

    so you can play like him. <_<

    I don't mind the iridium or whatever it is he rocks. Plus he has the skills to back it up. But a major doosh rocked a mirrored in my old league and since then I've just not cared for mirrored visors.

    haha. i experienced the same thing. Some hot shot kid in roller (where full cage was required) tried to play with a half mirrored visor.. Needless to say we picked on him the whole game. and yea, Ovie can wear whatever he wants. 60+ goals gives you that right. ha

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