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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by xzist

  1. Thanks for the replys guys. I'll let you know how the baking worked out.
  2. Hey Mike thanks for the reply. I definitely plan on baking them soon. My toes feather the toe caps so I'm not assuming its a bad fit. I do have smaller ankles though.
  3. Hey all. I've been using alkali ca9 skates for about 6 months now. This past weekend I played in a tournament. I haven't played in a while and it reminded me of the issues I have with these skates. I wanted to see if anyone else here is having similar problems as me with these guys digging into the sides of their feet. Here's a picture of what I'm talking about: This is on the interior side of both of my feet, below the ball of my ankle. The black marks are from where I tried to tape it up to prevent this from happening and mitigate pain. As I said, I've had the skates for 6+ months and this still happens regularly. I've never had such a hard time breaking in skates and I've been playing hockey for over 24 years. I did not bake these, but surely 6 months should be enough time for the skate to break in. I've tried with socks both on and off and the fit should be correct as my toes are feathering the toe cap. I do love the skates, but would be interested to hear if anyone else is having similar problems and knows how to fix it. Thanks!
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