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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by tjdangles

  1. i work for the most reputable hockey store in nj. trust me. i know what im talking about. i have a narrow heel and the u+ fely much better than the 10.0s and ask anyone the vector is narrower than the tack and the vapor series. its because of the same size heel cup they were using. i dont know if they changed it but it definately feels much better. the widest skate than you can get out of the box in a d width is the rbk. it took over the width of the tack series. ccm got rid of the tack to attack the baer market. but then again i dont know what im talking about......

    hey fylguy. alot of pros seem to use tuuk holders fr a variety of reasons. equipment managers only have to carry one type of steel. 9 foot radius unlike old ccms. and also because of what they are used to. look at jagr he just recently stopped wering the graf because o his gambling problem(graf doesnty pay any player to wear their skate unlike most compnies). and he still uses the same large black tuuk holders on hi new bauer one95s.

  2. the liner from the skate is much different on the u+. i do not know if they changed the ankle cup or not but the skate felt like it locked the ankle in mjuch better than in years past.the carbon outside is not increadibly stiff but does give a good amount of ankle support. the u+ is the narrowist ccm i have ever tried on. it is narrow than the new vapor series. i have tried on almost every current and or new skate except for the new easton se16. which basically fits like the 1500c but just narrower.

  3. the u+ skate is very nice. feels different than any other skate i have ever tried on. it is now the lightest skate on the market. yes it is lighter than the s15. liner and tongue feel awsome. only negative is the blade. only can be sharpened 10 times. but dont worry. you can put ccm regualr steel on the skates. way better than last years vector 10.0's. ccm did their homework and came out with a good product. also their new shinguards are nice and so is their new stick. you can see right through it bc there is a hold in the bottom of the blade. this is so you can tell that it is a true on piece stick. good job ccm

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