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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by BigDipper

  1. It is amazing at how my GF pisses and moans about my sticks taking up space, (I've acquired 3 new ones in the last 3 weeks) yet she gets a new pair of Ugg boots each season. (Fall, Winter, Spring) Also, she has maybe 30 pairs of shoes and our walk-in closet is dominated by her wardrobe along with our main dresser in the bedroom. I've had to resort to putting my suits/sportcoats in a wardrobe closet in my son's bedroom.

    Yeah, my fiancee is the same. It's shoes, and pocketbooks... The last time we poo-poo'ed over it, I took the Mission V-Hex I just bought at my local shop, and threw it on the floor. I then put her newest Coach bag on the floor with it, and said "Yours costs more. I win."

    Hahahaha I just roared reading that. Amen brother.

  2. So which one do you use the most Ponty?!?!

    Your stick collection looks like my girls wardrobe ... stuff hanging there with the tags still on it never seen the light of day!

    My son will have one hell of a collection so he is free to take off the tags. Most of the stuff I get cheap at the Pepsi Center or through selective bidding on ebay. Right now I use a pro return Easton ST (Drury Clone) and a Warrior Dolomite - Barnaby pattern.

    Jesus buds...bills must be getting paid on time around your place with that expandable income....wow. I had an ol buddy of mine who would save every stick he used since mite hockey. He had the whole ceiling in his garage covered. Years later didn't the damn house burn down. Fire Dept. found it quite amusing.

  3. What model pants are those? Look good.

    I don't know what model name they are. There is a big easton tag on the inside rear, but there is just white space. It feels like the standard two piece pro stock pant though.

    Are they are +1 length? where did you get them from big guy?

  4. Those easton air's were a great skate when they came out. They had those garbage fibre razorblades on them tho. You know reading this forum I've tried converting ice wheels for inline but I absolutely hated it. I never wear socks in mine and I absolutely despised the feeling of an ice skate. Too much heat..too much sweat...too much sliding around. Felt like I was carrying bricks. Glad to see it works for you fellas

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