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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Mikael1052

  1. Prices were pretty steady for a few years at around $200 for Franchises starting when they were still MB22s by MIA. In February they tacked about $60 to the base prices of both gloves and their pants. Still worth it if you ask me.

    Oh and our colors actually were Little Caesars-inspired but, no, they don't have purple.

  2. My Graf G5s with their second set of carbon T-Blades after one season. I actually punched a 15mm hole in the side of my black chrome carbon holders mid-season but they held up. Not too upset - by that time HM had the regular carbon holders back in stock which is what I originally wanted.



  3. just bought them off ebay yesterday to replace my navy/baby blue NBHone90s :D


    Missconduct, those are beauties. I wonder how one would go about ordering custom ones like that from Warrior, since their site doesn't allow you to do that color scheme........(?)

    They'll still do whatever you want, it's just kinda a pain. With MIA, I'd just send them my own mock-up and ignore the form but now thru Warrior, they are insisting you employ the limited ordering form. Put it in the comments section but I've always sent along a pic of what I want just to make sure they get it right. On these, they remarkably got the out-of-the-ordinary colors/materials right on the first try but screwed up everything else that IS covered by the form: foam, size, palms, and embroidery. (I sent them back, these ones below are correct.) PM me if you want the email address of someone at Warrior to help you.


  4. Here are my new Warrior Creepers. I was a huge fan of MIA and psyched when Warrior bought them but....the new ordering process proved to be a nightmare. Instead of calling MIA and talking to the owners, you gotta use the stupid, limiting order form thru a (in my case) clueless retailer who faxes it to Warrior, who passes it on to MIA....Anyway, after 5 months and a dozen emails and phone calls, I got my gloves....sorta. Everything was wrong but the colors. Wrong size, palms, foam, embroidery, and no logo after 5 months. I sent them straight to MIA as a warranty case with a hand-written note and, minus the middlemen, got these gems back in 2 weeks exactly as they were supposed to be! Stan at Warrior tried to be helpful through it all but I still haven't gotten much of an explanation for how things got so screwed up. Still, when you get gloves this pretty, forgiveness comes easy.

    The mustang palms are really soft but we'll see how they hold up....




  5. Here are my new skates. We'll see how they do tomorrow. I'm nervous because I have (pretty much) only skated in Tacks. I am a T-Blade freak so when HockeyMonkey finally showed the crabon frames available, I had to get them. Of course, by the time I had ordered new skates to put them on, they didn't have my size frame in the carbon weave (nor did anyone else advertising them) so I had to settle for the gloss black carbon frames. It may be for the better. Sucks that you can only get runners in white right now (in any reasonable spec, old black ones are out there.) I was going to go all black but that looked stupid with white runners so white boot it was. Big ups to Chris (chikinpotpie on here, I think) who handled the tricky mounting job beautifully. The LHS here was scared to do them so James convinced me to send them all the way to Indy for Chris to do them and it was worth it. Matching Warrior gloves should be here this week. These should look great with our "Panda-Style" jerseys when they come.




  6. Those gloves look sick. I have a pair of stock MIA's in carbon also. I am thinking of getting a new pair. Would Tufftek on the whole glove with carbon stripes be a good combo?

    I believe that's up to you to decide. There are some like these that have been posted. It's your opinion so get whatever you think looks good. Hey Mikael, I can't tell from the pic what kind of visor is that? It kind of looks blue so I'm gonna guess blue Oakley pro aviator or it might just be the reflection and be some sort of itech hs22 wave.

    -Yes, Tufftek with Carbon stripes looks good. Look back to page 44 of this thread to see James's black MiAs. (He's 43%burnt.) They are Tufftek/Carbon stripes. The Carbon holds up fine as far as wear but it will get puck marks and smears on the lighter colors which you may be able to see in the pics of mine. Also, they seem to (understandably) have a bit of a tougher time sewing the Carbon as it is thicker. James's gloves are sewn a bit better than mine. Oh, and a final note on MiA Carbon: white is not white, it's like a very light champagne. Works fine for stripes but all white carbon gloves like my old pair will contrast a white helmet noticeably. They matched my beat and burned white IU roller hockey pants well, though.

    -Visor's just a mirrored Itech Pro-Wave. Must be the lighting.

    -Whoever was guessing on the sticks was close. Dolomites, actually. Gold AK27s might be too much. Ha!

    -We debuted our black uniforms last night which, I will begrudgingly admit, probably look even better. It's not quite such an overload of goldness now.

  7. Here are my latest MiA's to match our unis for our Salt Lake Center (air traffic control) team. We're playing in the International ATC tourney in VAN in March and we'd better win the award for best uniforms. Back a couple pages, you can see James's (43%burnt) gloves for the same team. We pleaded for Warrior on the cuff but they said not yet.




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