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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by DavidT

  1. Those are super nice. I have a friend who plays with a pair of his black warrior gx9500 things. Tried buying them, but no dice. Always wanted a pair of his warriors.

    I have a pair I call transitional gloves. No clue on them. Ive seen them in practices and photo shoots and that's about it. But these are from when he was still in original eastons the season prior, used these, then the black warriors came at the start of the season?


  2. New Uni's for this season.

    I am pretty self-conscious about that left leg. I don't think it effects my skating. I do suffer from issues doing cross overs left over right though. Hopefully its just poor technique.

    Do you play on the Jets team with that Jared guy as the goalie?

  3. No problem with that; sounds fair. Still doesn't negate crossing the line and trying to play God with regards to the warranty.
    It would probably fall into some sort of vandalism/destruction of property law. Either pay for the item or have criminal charges brought up is usually the way it works out.

    I think it was kind of shoddy, doesnt help the situation any. But it's not my prerogative.

  4. Whle I don't disagree that it is in some ways abuse, it still isn't excuse you from trying to make a decision that isn't yours with regards to the warranty. That is Easton's job.

    Furthermore, I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a law that requires patrons to pay for products that they break.

    It would probably fall into some sort of vandalism/destruction of property law. Either pay for the item or have criminal charges brought up is usually the way it works out.

  5. AMEX will pick up the warranty on it. It isn't for you to decide that the warranty is void and you open your employer up for a charge back by doing what you did.

    Good call. It's been a while since Ive read some of the benefits, but doesnt everything purchased automatically come with an extended 3 yr warranty?

  6. Had a 13 year old come into the shop today. Grabbed an S19, leaned into it on the rubber mat and snapped it. Told the kid he had to pay for it to which he said he didn't have any money. Told him to get his parents and they needed to pay for it. Parents come in and refuce to pay due to the fact that the stick is "faulty". I told them to read the sign and called the police. Police came in, told the parents they had to pay for the damaged merchandise. What card did they use to pay???? AmEx Centurion AKA the Black Card. They paid and said they would submit the stick to Easton, to which I replied good luck. I wrote "Warranty void: stick abuse" on the blade in silver sharpie which they noticed. What they didn't notice was the warranty stickers thet were removed while they were arguing with the officer. Moral of the story: Don't lean into a stick Junior, and if you do- your parents need to eat some crow as they pay for a stick with a credit card with an unlimited credit limit. Oh, and don't piss off the person who sharpens your skates.

    Ive seen this before.

    Ive also witnessed when it was used in trying out skates for a gentlemans son. 6 or 7 pairs later he found something he liked, dont know where the rest of the skates went.

    My only experience with the card is my buddy who insists he pays all league, tournament fees, and for sticks just so he can keep the card. I dont complain.

  7. Those are definately cool. What's the inside liner?

    I just dropped off a pair of my oldest and most worn 9500s to be "rebuilt". She did a good job on a teams Lacrosse gloves, so Im liking what may be ahead.

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