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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by dangler16

  1. Have any of you heard whether or not BauerID will offer the X60 stick for customization like they did with the XXXX stick? If so, when might it be available to order?

    Bauer Blog

    From the Q&A:

    5. Andrew: When will the Bauer X:60 stick be avaliable for customization?

    The Vapor X:60 Stick will be available for customization in early November. We'll keep you posted and make an announcement when it's available.

  2. just ordered the white ones.

    If those are nylon you have no idea how filthy they are going to get.

    i've seen those eastons up close. They look more off-white/yellow than white.

    The white parts (tufftec) on my Warriors have gotten a little dirty but still look white. I had pro stock Missions in White/Blue/ Red before. They got "dirty" to an extent, maybe 20-25 percent max

  3. Does anybody know if the warrior/MIA customs are more expensive then ones before being bought out?

    well i went on today but the price didn't show on the bottom like before. When it was MIA they charged for the silvershield and now it look like it is free. Maybe different stores charge different amounts now.

    Last season around this time I ordered gloves -- went with MB33 14'', yellow mustang, silvershield, va80 with plastic inserts, stitched name = 229

  4. Hey i have a question, how often do you dress the wheel? After my last coat the wheel blackens, is it necessary to dress that off ?

    Not sure if the black stuff makes a difference, my guess is no. But if it bugs you I know that a bar of soap works as well. The equipment manager, back when I played, rubbed a light coat of soap on the blade for the final pass. Not sure what brand it was though.

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