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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by RiSeOnFiRe

  1. Finally got around to taking pictures of my stuff.

    Group Shot:

    Lids: Isles Pro stock 5100, Mission Intake.

    Shoulders: Warrior Projekt

    Pants: CCM U+ 07

    Elbows: Easton something? haha

    Shins: Jofa 5500

    Gloves: TPS R8 and Bauer XX's. Probably getting custom Eagles over the summer.

    Skates: Bauer Vapor XXII ( I just got into Ice)



    OG SyNergy (Shanny), '05 Easton Stealth (Drury),Bauer One95 (P91A..Staal?)



    Tour Code Carbons and some Mission pants.


    And I won a contest with the Isles so I got some cool stuff. I have socks in my bag somewhere plus they dumped a bunch of gear on the table in the middle of the locker room. Gloves needed to be given back, but everything else was free game. Grabbed these Easton shells and an old Bauer XX twig.


    And to make people jealous :biggrin:



  2. Funny thing at work, great to see that we all can communicate.

    The only lady in the office, who loves to organise office functions/outings, decides that we need to go and do something interesting. Suggestions of paint ball, bowling, golf etc are common, so when someone suggested clap pigeon shooting she jumped at it. She gets it organised and tells us of the dates of the event. She's a vegatarian, loves animals, and wouldnt harm a fly. Conversation went something like this:

    Guy A: Clay pigeons were a bird bred to be shot. You release them and when they fly off you shoot them.

    Girl: What?!?! Are you serious? Then what about animal laws?

    Guy B: Its alright, dont worry. Since they are specially bred to be killed its ok!

    Me: Yea, if they dont die when you shoot them, you have to walk out and use a bat to knock them dead. Too cruel to let them live like that.

    Guy A: Thats IF the dogs dont get to the first/

    Me: Oh yea, forgot about the dogs.

    Girl: Guys, this is cruel, you cant do it! I'm cancelling the whole thing, I didnt realise there was killing involved.

    Me: We can do skeet shooting? They are a smaller bird and fly faster, so its more difficult to kill.

    Girl: I'm not talking to you guys. This is insane.

    We all shit ourselves laughing, then someone tells her the truth...

    What a jerk.. hahaha

  3. So yesterday I got a phone call from the NY Islanders telling me I won a contest. I had forgotten I entered.


    The Isles train me and 7 others for 3 weeks, then I get to play a game after the isles/devils (to which they give me 4 tickets to) with some of the Isles legends. Needless to say im pretty excited. Customized jersey and socks are given too. I think i also get some practice gear. Im headed to Iceworks (practice facility) today at 4pm!

  4. Nice! They are pretty cool.

    On the left palm, do they have what seems like extra material near the thumb? The couple pairs I saw were like this. Can't tell why they are like that.

    The shooter is probably Righty and wants some extra material to protect against wear from the tape.

  5. you may be talking about mine:

    Gorgeous Eagles

    they were my first pair of Eagle PPFi's and my favorites of the 5 pairs I own.

    Yesssss! Those are just so clean and simple I love it. I was thinking of ordering a similar pair but with red instead of green.

  6. Yea we ordered them a day apart and I'm very suprised on how quick it got here. I didn't expect it to be here so soon. Took it for a spin tonight, pucks just rocket off this thing. Gotta get used to the new length though, or Ill cut it down to match my Stealth if it isnt going well.

    Think the stick was about $200 plus shipping on MyBauer.

    I ordered it Three weeks ago on a Friday. It shipped out this past Friday, and Got here today.

    It came in the minimum time expected (3-6 weeks).

    and it is awesome. Trying it out tomorrow.

  7. yea my bad, its a My Bauer stick. Took 18 days from ordering to my door step. And I had the plug lying around from my broken Synergy SL. Odd though, I had thought all Seniors would be the same length, but my Bauer without the plug is almost as long as my Stealth with it. Carbon plugs are the way to go. =)

    Is that Bauer ID? If so, how did you get the plug? special order?

  8. 4679447509_4f19e46bc7_m.jpg4680080538_a5767ff319_m.jpg4680079966_e6a657275b_m.jpg

    My new baby. Sorry for the small pics, they were taken on my Droid. My 05 Stealth is almost at its end, so it was time for an upgrade.

    87 flex


    full length plus 3" plug

    full tactile

    Needless to say I'm amped to try it out tonight.

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