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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Mshn7110

  1. Well as I said, I was only sent the boot. And in all honesty, I skate just fine. The 4mm per wheel that I lost, I'm really not worried about ;)...
  2. The boot is lighter, and in the ankles there is "gel-pockets" or something like that. I feel like my heel locks in a little better, and the skate is more comfortable. I think it fits as well as, if not better than any other skate out there. Baked once, skated in them today. No break in time. No pain at all.
  3. I have the original Boss on the same Labeda frames. It is a very good skate. The Boss Black is a GREAT skate. I was only sent the boot. I have a couple sets of the hummer frames. Thats really my reasoning, but besides that, I am just used to the feel of a flat frame. Realistically, if you wanted to dremel it out, you only need to take two millimeters out of the bottom of the skate. I was planning on doing just that to my last skates, but its really a pain in the a** just to sit 2mm higher off the floor.
  4. It is the best boot I have ever worn. Ill post some pics of the inside of the skate and youll get an idea. I can't even compare the out of the box comfort to any other skate Ive ever worn.. Those of you who don't like the white will get over it once you try this skate on.
  5. I have the new Boss skate mounted on Hummer frames.. Ill post pics in a bit. Definitely a flashy skate, but without the green Rinkrats, I think many of you will change your opinion.
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