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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Edge

  1. Do you plan on skating without a jersey? :P

    duh dont you?

    No i figured you could see the profile, even with the jersey on. if needed i'll get pictures later without jersey. Theres an NBH ad floating around somewhere that has a staal brother with them on w/o a jersey.

  2. LkptTiger, actually the shins elbows, and especially the shoulders are extremely low profile. The pants are pretty bulky as far as hip protection. I think I will be sticking with my one90s for pants.

    As for the gloves, it looks like its a pro stock 14". Feels pretty comfy and all but my big mits are too big for them, and I still love my one90s.

    Shinnys are sick. Love the shape and they strap down nice and tight like the 90s. The elbows are also similar to the 90, but they stay put much better which i'm loving. The shoulders are my favorite though. Very low profile and you guys just will not believe how light they are until you pick them up for yourself. titan, I have not used the one90s so i can't really give you much info there. The XXXX are not extremely protective in all places, so if that is important to you, you might want to consider something else. I just worry about the shouders, chest/sternum, and spine and they are solid in those areas. Very nice christmas present!

  3. Is that from the recent whistler tourney?

    I didn't even realise they had tourneys for that age group (midget?). Just curious, what's the competition like? I remember it was quite good in bantam, my AAA spring team was too late on the registration, but a lot of teams we played in exhibition entered it.

    Yes, u18. It was a solid tournament...competition wasn't ridiculous but there were some talented kids there that play Jr. hockey all around(BCHL, etc). I broke my wrist the 1st game actually and played the next before I got it checked out, so I only played in 2/4 games. <_<

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