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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by MTG35

  1. Can someone give me a rational explanation as to why someone would behave so unrationally?

    Because some people believe this

    The customer is always right...even when they're wrong.

    Exactly. I have never been under the assumption as a customer that I am always right. That's a myth. I treat others the way I want to be treated.

    Another thing to think about is that unfortunately in our world today customers have been trained to expect horrible customer service. I've been on both sides, providing customer service and receiving it, and I try to go into each situation with an open mind.

    However, most times this is what happens...I explain the problem and/or situation and then I get a blank stare with a "yeah so" or "what do you want me to do?" If the ones providing customer service would actually think about the problem and actually want to provide a solution things would be much different. But as customers we have been trained that it is going to be a fight to the death to get any help and therefore people feel they need to pump themselves up for the battle before coming in the store.

    I try my best to support local shops over anything on the internet, but when I go into a shop and the price on an item is say $50 and I can get it online for $24.99 I will say "oh I saw the same thing online for $24.99." What I hope to hear back is "ok let me see if I can do anything, well there is probably shipping and there is also a wait when you order online vs having it today so...although I can't sell it at $24.99 I could give it to you for $34 (or $36 or $30 just some sort of price compromise)." Instead I have gotten on numerous ocasions "well then if I were you I'd buy it online."

    I am reasonable, I don't expect shops to exact match online prices unless they want to. But just because you can't match doesn't mean I won't buy from you if you can compromise and show me that you are offering a value added service to my purchase that makes it worth the extra money.

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