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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by echi24

  1. its actually not a carbon outsole on the grafs. as of 2005 the new models had silver accents, and the plastic outside was changed to be transparent, and under the plastic was a material with a printed weave pattern. it looks like a carbon outsole at first, but only the G series has the carbon outsole. not sure about the new ultras...

  2. Helmet: Bauer 5000

    Cage: Bauer TrueVision

    Shoulder pads: Bauer 2000 (prefer thin/mobile pads)

    Elbow pads: Franklin 7500

    Gloves: Bauer Vapor Velocity (SMU)

    Pants: Bauer Vapor 6 (discontinued)

    Shin pads: Nike Quest 10

    Skates: Graf 735s w/ cobras

    Sticks: p16 xn10, drury sicore grip, pro 4 alpha nemesis, tapered novius with p10 7500

  3. Hespeler Alpha Nemesis 260 flex Pro 4 RH

    Background - 5'9", 140lbs., defence

    Aesthetics - who cares? i have no opinion really, it looks like a stick. i like that it doesnt stand out too much.

    Feel - everyone so far has stated the pad on the blade was surprisingly effective and helped the feel of the stick. i started using the alpha nemesis right after i broke my true1, and the stick felt more solid, and a bit dead to me. i didnt have a feel for the puck, and at times the stick would send a huge vibration up my arm from a hard slap shot. 7/10

    Blade - blade looked really strong, it was very stiff which was good. it felt dead, but those points were already deducted, so it was a stiff blade which i liked. it chipped at various places after the first few ice times but nothing after that. I hated the Pro4 curve, and i never really got used to it so its partly pp. 8/10

    Shaft - the shaft was a good weight....but at 260 flex it was very stiff. i could barely get any flex or kick from slapshots. i was very disapointed shot-wise, but that wil be covered later. the shaft was quite good, but still far to stiff for my liking. i would have never expected such a difference between a true1 260 and the nemesis. i even cut the true1 an inch or two, but maybe this was only with my stick 8/10

    Shooting - the shot was terrible for shooting. it was due to a combination of the flex and the curve, both of which i could not adapt to. my slapshots felt very weak, and i had no confidence in my shot for a while. wristers were decent, but again the curve was akward, and backhands were ordinary. The stiffness was good for one timers, as the shaft didnt torque, but still definitly lacking for me in this department. 6/10

    Passing - passing was sub-par, as the blade was pretty much dead, i had to be alot more concious of cradling the puck and cushioning passes. again this was probably because i was too used to the feel of a true1 to appreciate the vybe insert. 7/10

    Weight & Balance - balance felt great, i didnt cut the stick at all. the weight was what a stick should weigh, it was just about right. i was very satisfied with the weight and balance of the stick. 9/10

    Durability - the stick is solid aside from the paint scratches and blade chips. it felt indestructable, but once again that can be attributed to the flex.... 9.5/10

    Conclusion - stick wasnt right for me, i was very dissapointed. for someone stronger though, this may be a great stick if you like the curve. i just think the benefits of the stick went unnoticed when i tried it due to the fact i was using a true1 of my perfect flex and curve. but mostly my issues were pp. overall i rate this stick 8/10....but it could greatly vary. im suspicious that this was a 220 flex that got painted over for the sport chek sale

  4. Background Info



    14 years old, Bantam AA hockey (4-5 times a week)

    Ice Hockey

    260 Flex Kovalev

    Blade - this blade preforms like no other composite, and the puck feels like butter on it. Every time the puck hits the blade the impact is absorbed extremely well, and it does not take away from the sitffness of the blade or the shooting preformance. 9/10

    Flex - i know i use sticks a bit to stiff for me, but i could not find a 300 flex, and this stick proved to be just a tad too stiff, yet i could stiff feel the whip of the stick kick in in slappers 8.5/10

    Stick Handling/Passing - Stick handling was amazing with this stick, it was quick and responsive, and made puck control easier. Making a recieving passes took me a practice to get used too, as i was unfamiliar with the stiffness of inno blades, but once i got used to it, it was a perfect match. 9/10

    Shooting - i can feel alot of low kick on the staft when i take slappers, and the balance in incredible. but the stick or probably moreso the curve makes wrist shots involve much for forearm power, and quick snapshots fluttered alot at first. After adjusting my shooting style though, things worked out, but i DID loose alot of power on my wrist/snapshot. 8/10 (PP on the curve)

    Durability - i shot the hell out of this stick in practices, and playe dhard in games, and it only shows some sakte scratches, and glaze chipping on the blade. It has held up extrememly well so far. 10/10

    Intangibles - It was cut about 3/4" after the extension was taken out. I feel that i would have done ALOT better with the mogilny curve in 300 flex, but at $120 a pop, there wasnt much selection. Great overall stick, very impressed, and this influenced me to purchase a inno novius tapered shaft. Review for that later.

    Overall 9/10

  5. Helmet - Bauer HH5000M

    Cage - Itech Flat Chrome

    Shoulders - Bauer 2000

    elbow - Franklins -dont remember model number

    shins - Easton Ultralight 14"

    pants - bauer vapor 6 2003 model

    gloves - bauer vapor velocity, franklin 5500

    skates - Graf Supra 704s hoping to get tblades

    sticks - Inno True1 260 Kovalev, Inno Tapered Novius with Sakic hybrid Synthesis Blade

  6. Easton Hybrid Synthesis

    Background: 5'7" 135 lbs, Bantam AA hockey

    stickhandling: this blade felt great for me when i stickhandled, its thin like a composite blade, yet it provides a little bit for of a wood feel without sacraficing durability. I felt alot quicker stickhandling with this blade and the puck seemed to always respond crisply to the blade. 9/10

    shooting: this is were the blade weakens a bit. This blade isnt amazing for slapshots, in fact i felt i lost a bit of power on my slapshot (or maybe it could have been the broken OPS shaft). Wrist shots were crisp and just as accurate yet a bit weaker, but i really enjoyed taking snapshots with this blade. The puck almost flies off it when you take a snapshot, nice and crisp and not fluttery. 7/10

    Weight + Balance: this blade was a bit on the heavy end, yet i picked it over the r2 woodie due to my past success with hybrid blades, and the r2 looks poorly made. The weight made my shaft end heavy, adn that might have affected its overall preformance. 6/10

    Durability: i have only used this for a week so far, but the blade looks perfect, the durability is real good, but like with all teh hybrid blades, once a crack appears, it will be less than a week before it goes to hell. 7/10

    Intangibles: I personally liked the blade, and i feel maybe i didnt use the right shaft for it. I really enjoy the optimized stickhandling nad crisp snap shots, as i can get alot more quick release shots. I am a bit dissappointed wiht the slapshot preformance, since past hybrids have allowed me to fire rockets. I feel its a great blade for a crafty player that isnt too worried about a booming slapper from the point.

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