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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by MINT

  1. some questions for ya buddy: when you lace up your skate... look at your laces, do u have a nice parallel pattern running all the way up your foot? or is it more of a semi-circle or some buldging in the laces? is the pattern very wide or very narrow? obviously you wont be as techinically skilled at determining this, but do your best to judge.... If there is any decent hockey shops in and around your area they should know what theyre talking about and be able to accomidate that boot right to your foot by bumping.... Heat molding will bring your heel back further in the boot which may releave some pain in the forefoot but is not the major solution behind your problem.... the skates you are skating in only have heat-moldable materials in the back of the skate, it is possible that you do have a bit wider of a foot or potentially a slite buldge right around your fifth med. (your pinkie toe bone area) if so, the trick is to releave that pressure by giving a good bump on that fifth med. or the first "knuckle" of that toe and perhaps even further back... this should help you with your problem... is is very possible that this skate might not even fit you all that well..... but the true solution is bumping in this case with your skates... see what you can have someone do for you! good luck buddy

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