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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by sher-awesomeness

  1. The starts Boucher had in between Emery and Leighton weren't too bad, the team just hung him out to dry. The real reason Leighton was doing so well early on was because the defense woke up all of a sudden and bailed him out. If Boucher can stop the stoppable shots and the defense does its part like it did for Leighton, then there's a chance of salvaging this season.

    But I didn't think Leighton would take this team very far, so my hopes for Boucher doing that aren't so high either.

  2. That is the last "stick" Gretz ever used in NHL B)

    Close, but not quite. :P


    (Not mine, by the way) I think his shaft was closer to a 9009, whereas mine is a 9900. Although, his last stick may have also been a wooden Hespeler. I'm not 100% sure.

  3. Well, with my Easton Octane dead (check that thread for pics), here are my other two sticks, both also 5 years old. And yes, that's a junior Synergy. An inch or two too short, but the flex works for me. The Hespeler has the right length, but is almost impossible for me to flex.

    Can anyone ID which Synergy it is? It was bought back in 2005, around $100 I think? I can get pictures of the blade if you need them.











  4. My new babies came in! Custom X:60 w/ lots of custom goodies: xtra stiff boot, double stitched, re-enforced eyelets, solid/re-enforced tendon guard, flexlite toe cap, and last but not least, a EEEE/B boot! I finally have a pair of skates that don't destroy my feet by the of the game. Big thanks to Steve at Get an Edge Pro Shop in MI and Bauer for getting these bad boys just the way I want them. If anyone wants to get customs done in the south eastern Michigan area, he's the man to go see.


    just a curious question, why you choose flexlite toe caps, is it fit reasons? and holy crap aren't you asian? 4x Es :P

    Yah, asian's tend to have wider feet in relation to causcasians. I went with flexlite toe caps because they are wider then the vapors, allows my toes some room to spread. Not perfect however, my big toes still rub a little against the side.

    that i did not know and i'm asian, but i have super narrow feet, nice skates anyways enjoy them :)

    I wear an EE in Mission Fuels, but I'm not sure how wide Missions run compared to other skates.

  5. Before Imeem got absorbed by MySpace and completely ruined, I was listening to Black Tide and their album "Light From Above." You might remember them from NHL 10 and/or Rock Band. Doesn't sound to bad. I might give them a try.

    Here's "Show Me The Way": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nl_hikrl8xI

    The other band I was listening to was Jupiter One. Heard them from NHL 09. Even though their sound is kind of "indie," I really like it, especially the synth stuff. I could've sworn I saw their CD at Borders, but can't find it. Have yet to purchase the album.


    "Turn Up The Radio":

    "Platform Moon":

  6. Comfy doesn't even begin to describe it. When I had one of my teammates try them on, the expression on his face was priceless. I already love them after just one game. No comparison to my 452s and S3s. Definitely a top-level glove.

    I just hope the palms hold up better than my last two. I've never tried leather before.

  7. I just noticed the dent in my V08 cage when I was taking the picture. Can't remember when I got it.

    Thats not good...lol

    Yeah...Any ideas? Do I use some pliers and put it back, leave it as is, or do I have to get a new cage?

    Anyways, here are my new CCM 4 Roll Pros to replace my 452 Tacks from the last page.




    And a look inside.


  8. I hope you washed those before you wore 'em

    Pro's equipment is meticulously maintained and cleaned. I'd be willing to bet you could almost eat off of those... well, before ISTOUT wore them anyway! :lol:

    Yeah, Renberg almost lost his arm to infection a few years back thanks to his clean equipment.


    Toronto Maple Leafs forward Mikael Renberg nearly lost his left hand due to an infection.

    Renberg was kept out of the Leafs game on New Year's Eve against Vancouver. He aggravated a blister on his hand while trying to tie his skates in Edmonton on Saturday. The hand became infected and team athletic therapist Brent Smith took him to a Vancouver hospital with a 104-degree fever.



  9. Just heard Emery is on IR with an abdominal injury that might require surgery. I guess this might explain the tail-off in his play.

    The surgery is guaranteed, and he is out for atleast six weeks.

    Sometimes you can't avoid a fight. Carcillo was not going to let him go. I thought Bradley was trying to skate away from it. I think he dropped the gloves because he had to. Carcillo kept goading him, hitting/cross-checking him. Sooner or later you realize that the prick isn't going to stop and you have to defend yourself. I'm a Flyers fan (but not a Carcillo fan), and I'd call it a sucker punch. I'd have no issue with the whole thing if Carcillo had allowed him to square up and have a fair go of it. In this case, I think that the suspension was deserved.

    Cote's a horrible player, but I think he goes about his job in a respectable way. He got the Flyers off to a good start with his scrap tonight.

    Even though they're down after two, I like what I'm seeing tonight.

    With guys like Cote, Asham and Lappy, it's not like they're lacking in toughness without him.

    He still has a lot more skill then three of those guys and is a lot more effective.

    I have to disagree with this. Asham has better hands and doesn't lose control of himself like Carcillo does. Laperriere is leagues ahead defensively and plays the PK.

    Cote, probably the entire Phantoms team is more effective than his measly 3 minutes a game, 5 of which are spent in the box. Yes, I did that on purpose.

  10. He was still taking stupid penalties. Just no where close to the pace he was doing last year.

    Holmgren apparently hasn't called anyone up, at this time. Either he's doing it tomorrow right before game time or we're playing one man short.....

    Or they're putting Riley Cote into the lineup. *shudder*

  11. The thing was that Carcillo was actually having a great start to the season. He was part of a good energy line that was hitting players and generating scoring chances, and he didn't really take the kind of stupid penalties he did last season.

    And then something like this happens and all of that is for naught.

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