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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Justin Liedloff

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Posts posted by Justin Liedloff

  1. Sorry to hijack this thread with more of a TPS question, but I saw some reference to the quality declining after Sher-Wood off-shored production - was this in reference to sticks, gloves, or both?

    I like the design of the TPS R8/R10/WinnWell Pro Stock gloves.

    Does anyone know how the last iteration of the TPS R10 compares to the R8's everyone seemed to love, and the new WinnWells? There is a pair of nice-looking R10's at a local sports apparel store that decided to dabble in equipment and had my eye on them. These: http://www.sher-wood.com/en/products/protective/glove-r10

    The biggest difference is the Winwell gloves are knit and not synthetic leather.

    Additionally, that particular iteration is the "new tapered fit", which I personally hate. They are much narrower, and have significantly less volume than the original HGT/R8/R10 series.

  2. They are like the R8 pro, the one with the nash/digital palm. They are holding their shape/structure much better than my original spec R8s did. Sorry for the delay in the pic, I got it last night but I'm trying to find a cable so I can upload the pic.


    Thanks for the update. Unfortunately, the original R8 and the 2011 "tapered" R8 were the exact design, including the digital overlay in the palm. Would you consider the fit to be more like a Bauer 4 Roll, or the Bauer Vapor? The original R8 had a a lot of volume, like the 4 Roll, but the "tapered" R8 was a much tighter fit.

    Thanks again.

  3. For the average Joe Schmoe weekend warrior, the OEM stuff is an excellent alternative. They really don't care about flex, performance, curve or weight. They just want a stick that works, and won't take food of of their kids' mouths! For guys like us, it's all about being able to put on the skates, and not about how many goals we scored or how many T Shirts we won!

    Sometimes I really wonder if the some of the people on this board really take their hockey that seriously, especially the beer leaguers. :facepalm:

  4. btw is that you in the 'spotty' goalie pads? That'd make for an interesting team uni.

    It's funny, the best teams I've played for nobody matched and hardly anyone showed up. It seems like the less players you have the better your team is. I've seen teams with crowded benches that were just awful!

    To be honest, I couldn't care less whether we win or lose. I play simply as a means to get my mind off of the daily grind that is life. For me, it's all about spending time with a few buddies and going out and having a good time. That's not to say I don't skate hard, but I'm long past trying to compete at high levels. I'd rather play on a team that has a consistent turn out and good chemistry. My fat ass is too old to be playing iron man hockey.

    As of the pic, yes that's me, back when I played goalie. I also have a matching jersey, and have long wanted to start up a team with a set of them!

  5. Well there's 'looking good' as in unis...and there's 'looking good' as in playing. I prefer the latter. How's the team doing?

    We have our ups and downs like anyone else. Lost our last game in OT, and have been on a slide as of late, but, nothing out of the ordinary for your average beer league squad.

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