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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Sav25

  1. Got CT scan after my dog coughed up some blood after a run last week. Vet tells me the cancer we removed from my dog's tail in august has metastasized to his lungs. He's only 4 and even if we give him chemo he wont live to see 5.

    I feel like throwing up.

    I feel for you buddy. This stuff happens and you just cant do anything about it.

    This kind of thing is why I'm not religious...too much pain in this world

  2. Stupid Hockeymonkey.eu - just when i thought there might be away of getting quality kit normally only available from the states - i find their website is shit and full of the same old junk that we get over here already

    why dont hockeymonkey stock the same stuff across all their branches?!?!?


  3. Helmet: Bauer - rusty old 5000fm i think

    Cage: no cage

    Shoulder pads: no pads

    Elbow pads: CCM V08

    Gloves: Easton Ultra-Lites

    Pants: CCM V04

    Shin pads: Bauer Vapour

    Skates: Mission Leiutenants, with Labeda Grippers

    Bag: Mission Backpack stylee - red

    Sticks: (In order of preference)

    1) Titan ASD200 (?)

    2) Sherwood pmpx9950 (Crosby)

    3) Sherwood pmp7000? (Crosby)

    4) Sherwood pmp7000? (spezza)

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