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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by lemioux12

  1. i was really asking about wheel configuration as in sizes of wheels and order .. i don't even know what's the configuration of the chassis i will get .. from the pics some are Tuuk rockers ( what's that back > 72-80-76-76 >front ? no clue) , then some str8 chassis i guess i'd try to run a B-76-80-80-76F ..will that work ? and some mission hi-lo looks like B72-76-72-76F .. you can see that i searched quite a bit as i know nothing about the inline hockey skates and setup :P Thanks guys ! as far as wheel brands ..i'll just go with what i can afford - some 80-82 outdoor wheels ..
  2. i'm looking to convert a pair of nike skates to inline , and just bought a bunch of chassis (lot sale on ebay LOL) .. and looks like i'll be able to use TUUK rockers ..what size wheel configuration these run ? i'll be going back to europe and the surface of "choice " ( not other option :P ) is asphalt . i've always played ice , and it's what i know best. what you guys recommend as far as wheel configuration ? i only skated couple times on roller when i was young and i hated it , bc they were cheap and very different than ice . i've played nation team and college hockey ..so i'm not too bad on ice :P pleas ehelp me out here -- to feel asphalt as close to ice as possible ! TIA
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