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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by viper37

  1. New gear I got while in Raleigh, NC

    CCM Tacks Goalie skates (for the Mrs., killer deal and fit her perfectly)

    CCM Tacks Shins, I need to fix the straps a bit first

    Bauer 4500 Pro Stock Helmet with Pro Wave Visor

    Nike Bauer 4 Roll Pro Stock Blackhawks gloves, amazing set of gloves

    Bauer Total One Shaft (Oswego University) with P14 blade

    Staal draw string bag and two hats (got at local Dick's Sporting goods on sale)

    Where'd you get this haul in Raleigh?

  2. all of the pants come very long in the legs. i am 5'7'' with a 34'' waist and i wear a large pant, mainly to have the extra room in the waist/legs for a girdle. so length should not be a huge issue for you from what i can tell. i ended up cutting off a lot of extra material from my 3 pairs. i would suggest ordering the CCM PP8L ref pants. they have lycra in the seat of the pants as well as the full length of each leg on the inside. i have 3 pairs of them and i wouldnt switch.

    Thanks for the suggestion!

  3. Just to utilize a recent topic...I'm about to start reffing this winter and had a question about ref pants. First off, I'm 6'4" and 250 lbs so I'm a reasonably big guy. Which pants would be the best fit for someone my size? Unfortunately, I don't have too many LHS to go to in order to try on pants, so I'll need feedback from you guys.

    Essentially, I am looking to find the pair of pants that would have the most generous cut. These pants would have to accommodate both my monster thighs, as well as be long enough to cover most of my long legs. Any suggestions?


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