I purchased the cage in November of this year, and was able to use the cage throughtout the rest of my season on a Bauer 4500 helmet size Large, so the cage was sized to fit that helmet. Fit - 9/10 In the fit category the chin cup of the helmet is designed to be able to slide to provide about a half inch of room for the user to completely fit the cup to their chin regadless of where their chin sits in relation to the bottom of the helmet. I dont like the "popular" hang of many elite players, as I tend to side with protection and weight reduction over style. It sits a slight bit low for me personally but overall it fits well. Protection - 10/10 The cage is very light which worried me at first, but after playing games in the helmet/cage combo, I can say that this feels safer than any other cage I have used to date because it feel stronger. Weight - 10/10 I cant stress how light this cage is. I have never used something that weighed this little, especially when designed and built of a metal to protect your face. Absolutely cant feel any weight dangling from the front of the helmet at all, and this results in the helmet being able to sit in the correct position on the head of the player due to no weight couteracting the anatomically correct mid position on top of the players head. Durability - 10/10 So far the cage shows no wear, and has not rusted at all as some stainless steel cages still seem to do overtime. The only thing that has been of notice to me is that the chin cup material seems to absorb sweat pretty heavily and I can actually use my finger to "wring" out sweat in between shifts. Heres to hoping that this doesnt affect the durability of the chin cup in the long run. Intangibles - 8/10 The straps seem to come undone rather quickly, and I had to retighten the side straps before every period before resigning myself to taping them into the correct position. I could use laces or something else in the future but for right now the straps are the only gripe I can muster about this cage. Conclusion - 10/10 Absolutely weightless, and the vision is great. over the course of the past 4 months, this cage has been a beauty and I regard it as one of my favorite pieces of equipment I own currently.