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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ok so i come home from the bowman cup i played in last night and put my stuff in my back yard to air out and i wake uptoday and run a few places and come back to see that someone stole my skate....mind you i have 3 syn sitting there and they only take my vectors....so my next ?tion is that a couple kids on the team we played agasint have white and black grafs and i want a pair but dont know where to get them...are there any stores that sell them....thanks for the help


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You can special order Graf Great Whites from your local Graf Dealer, and some stores carry them in stock. Mainly the 709SE and 502SE come in the great whites.

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Try E-mailing these guys to see what they have or you can call there store in Toronto, Canada (Toronto Hockey Repair)

I believe these guys have the same skates instock as well. Just Hockey Toronto


Most places don't carry the Graf GW without Custom orders. The 709 SE and 502 SE are the only ones I have seen on display. Grafs are a little tricky, it really is best to try before you buy. If you don't want the 502Se you'll probably have to custom order.

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. You just made my day. This is the guy who i sent a bubble and a couple of blades too in a trade for a synergy grip. He got my stick but i never got mine, he blocked me on msn, and stopped returning calls and emails. I never heard from him again after he recieved the stick i sent too him. This just proves what goes around comes. No one give this clown any more advice. http://www.modsquadhockey.com/index.php?showtopic=4635


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