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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Unity Shift Indoor Hockey Wheel

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let me know how they are. they look really interesting... the originally unity where gripy as hell but didn't have much rebound.

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I was actually kind of disappointed with the original Unity's. I bought the red in 76mm 76a and they really don't stop on a dime like I expected. Eh, still. BTW I play sportcourt.

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I have a friend who has a set of wheels he uses on a pair of g-90’s which included four hyper unity wheels and four Labeda Dynasties. He likes them for the rink he plays at (Sports Court) I don’t think much of them but I have always been a Labeda hockey player. If you get them I would like to know what you think of them.

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