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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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choosing skates ?

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I have a foot no 41 eur, tight and also very fleet feet .

I bought last year nexed stinger skates on hockey giant, size 7 but they are too big, and the bigest problem is that they are wide. Can anybody tell me what skates would be ok for me ?

I have ice skates nike quest 6, size 41 eur. Cause I live in Croatia ( Europe ) I dont have any lhs to try inline skates. I thought maybe to measure the length and width of my feet and send it to hockey giant or hockey monkey so they can propose to me the proper skates.

Would it be possible to place on my nike quest 6 ice skates labeda sensor and solve my inline skate problem , or is it better to have a proper inline skates ? bla bla :unsure:

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I'd do a conversion personally, just so you can have your feet in them and know exactly what you are getting. Alot of people match ice skates with inline chassis (conversions). Another option is to call up a store and order your European size and then hopefully they can match it.

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Eazy thank you . So it is possible to place labeda sensor on my nike quest 6 skates. Is there something special I should now about this conversion?

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