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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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im lookin to get a new pair of skates sometime in the near future, and as far as what i want in a skate i have narrowed it down to another pair of 705s/g5s (probably the euro 705 teclite ones as the canadian ones are having some problems i guess) or the new flexlite 12 from nike. what can i expect the difference in fit to be? i assume the nike will probably be a deeper fit than that of the 705 even tho it is one of the deeper grafs. aside from that, what should i be expecting as far as fit differences/similarities. i know i need to try them on and will as soon as possible, but i havent yet gotten the chance.

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nike skates fit me good and are very comfortable. they seemed to break down pretty fast though. they lasted about a season an a half. i would buy whatever skate fits you better because both of the skates you are talking about are in the same general price range.

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the one difference, nike will keep you more upright which you may not enjoy. and the graf will as you know lean you more forward. now the nike itself is not as deep as the 705 i find. the nike/bauer skates fit same as a 705 depth wise. the deepest graf skate so you know is the graf 709/g9/609. the 705 is the more average depth boot which makes it similar to that of a nike or graf. now ive skated in the flexlites they are without a doubt a very comfortable boot, the blades are very strong, the only thing i did not enjoy was how i was kept very upright in them. so if you are used to how the graf 705/g5 feels and how the lean feels then i suggest to stay with it

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im lookin to get a new pair of skates sometime in the near future, and as far as what i want in a skate i have narrowed it down to another pair of 705s/g5s (probably the euro 705 teclite ones as the canadian ones are having some problems i guess) or the new flexlite 12 from nike. what can i expect the difference in fit to be? i assume the nike will probably be a deeper fit than that of the 705 even tho it is one of the deeper grafs. aside from that, what should i be expecting as far as fit differences/similarities. i know i need to try them on and will as soon as possible, but i havent yet gotten the chance.

As you said you're looking for a deep boot, the 709/G9 are the deepest graf boot's. It could be very possible that the flexlite 12's won't fit properly if 705's fit perfect. As for Euro 705's, they will be pretty pricey if that is going to be on your mind..

Just go for whatever fits best, as I'm sure you have heard many times before.

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