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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission warranty question

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I just noticed that the outsole is separating from the toe cap of my d2c's. I have time on my warranty and wanted to know if I am still covered to get the fixed. The catch? I had the chassis replaced. Will mission still honor my warranty claim?

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oh that could be a problem and i'm sure with any other company out there you'd be screwed 100% but if any company can pull a rabbit out of their hat with their customer service it's mission. it's a shot

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I sent their customer support an email and told them my situation (I also cannot locate my receipt, but think I can get one from the reseller) The reply was that since the boot was modified, the warranty was void. (which I understand)

They did ask me to send some pictures of the boot though. I have to get batteries for my digital tonight and send them. Could there be light at the end of the tunnel? ;)

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