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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ccm tapered?

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close this if its been covered already, my search didnt show much. this blade and the equivalent v130 shaft are both listed as tapered, and short hosel.it doesnt say anything about the blade being specifically made for the shaft, but i feel its implied this is like everyone else's tapered shaft/blade combos. i havent heard anything about this and was checking with those who would know if its true. is this like a z bubble or a true tapered shaft/blade? the v120 blades have a shorter hosel as is, so im confused....is ccm catching up? the blade doesnt say anything about tapered, just short hosel, but the shaft says tapered. thanks for any replies, sorry if its a redundant topic.

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Yes CCM has a regular tapered blade/shaft combo now. It isn't like the Z-bubble, it's like the L-2, Synthesis, ect. I don't know why they didn't specify the "taper" of the blade though. The V120 is a standard blade. If the 130 blade is anything like the 130 OPS blade I won't be trying it out after all the negative thing's I've heard. I believe they are the process of fixong that though.

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