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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fury of One

Gear Factory Gloves

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I wouldn't recommend them at that price. The way its constructed is too wide for someone with narrow hands to grip the stick that easily. The leather also seems like it wouldn't last long. My brother wore a pair for one game, and we immediately replaced them right after. For him, it was just too awkward of a fit. If you have wide hands and play in a lower-level or non-contact league, then maybe consider them.

This pair is the same price, if that's what you're going for:

Vapor X

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i wore a pair of the full factory gloves for 2 years and i loved them. To this day they don't have one tear in the palms. The fit IS loose and wide. I like to have room in my gloves. The multiple-piece wrist allows for plenty of movement. The only reason i stopped using them were because they were a friggin biohazard.

As for quality, I was extremely satisfied with the length of use i got out of them for the price i paid. Fit and feel is personal preference...

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