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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Helium H950 Roller Hockey Pants

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I was wondering if anyone knows what "removable" means for the shin guard straps that come with the Mission Helium H950 Roller Hockey Pants. I got my pants today, and it seems impossible to slide the straps out of it's slot. When Mission Hockey states that the straps are removable, does the company mean you can hide the straps inside the roller hockey pants? If I manage to get these straps out, and for some odd reason I want to use the straps, I don't know how on Earth, I am going to insert the straps back into the slots. If anyone has these pants and can tell me how to remove these straps that would be greatly appreciated. I know this sounds like I'm handicapped or something, but the slots aren't really big and the straps are wide, atleast at the two ends.

A recommendation for the 2006 Mission Model Roller Hockey Pants, have two pairs of straps which aren't inserted into the pants. A strap for the knee area, and a strap for the lower part of the shin. This way the straps are adjustable at where a player wants it tight, not necessarily only the knee area. Also, the straps can act better like tape/rope (cloth).

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