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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Inno tapered shafts

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I have a standard Inno 1100 right now, and it's twisting a bit when I shoot. Would getting a tapered 1100 help with that? Has anyone tried both a standard and tapered? How do they compare?

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I have used all kinds of standard Innos but only a Novius tapered. I noticed more twisting with my standard Novius then my tapered but the standard was quite a bit older. Also, there was still some torqueing with the tapered but it is a better stick IMO.

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Minimal in my tapered shaft but I'm not a big shooter or anything so YMMV. It's still noticable compared to the non-torquing XN10 but I didn't feel it was hampering me in any way. Honestly, I would probably be using that stick if I could find a tapered blade in a pattern I could use.

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The Inno maybe a little more but I like the crispness of the XN10 and the feel when stickhandling. Most of all I like the pattern and lie of the blade.

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