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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shipping question

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hi there,

im planning to buy a stick from the usa or canada from ebay.

of course i dont wanna pay a sh*tload of money for shipping so, i would like to get help from you.

so from what ive heard USPS and FedEx Economy should be the cheapest ways. [~$20]

Im located at 45659 Recklinghausen so this could help.

So could you give me the cheapsest for usa and for canada ?

I would copy that to the ebay seller and hope that he will send it with my infos.

I would be happy if you could help me out with this.


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Shipping sticks stinks!

The problem is all of the shippers have thresholds between Package, Large Package (84") and Oversized Package (108"). The formula is Length + Width + Width + Depth + Depth; or, in other words, use a string and add the Length plus wrapping around the girth of the item. Obviously, the blade of the stick adds quite a bit to the girth, since it's an inch plus about nine inches, but that has to be times two. That adds up to twenty inches which must be added to the 67" inches of the stick, putting you above the 84" threshold for Large Packages.

As soon as you pass the 84" threshold, the shippers charge a minimum weight, generally thirty pounds. Ship one pound or twenty pounds and they'll charge you for thirty. That's why it costs the same to ship one stick as twenty-five.

Having said that, here a few things you can do. He can ship it in a plastic sleeve and tape it in such a way that the PO MIGHT let it slide as just at 84"; if they do, Priority will be about five bucks. Or, as crazy as this sounds, you might ask him to cut it down if you KNOW you'll cut it down. If neighter of those two work, Fed Ex ground should be about $14-$16 and, if you send it to a business address you save about $1.50.

Hope that helps. As I said, shipping sticks stinks!

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thanks for the quick answer.

I know it stinks, even inside germany its awful.

But if i want a cool stick from the usa, i have to pay a bit more, thats kinda ok for me.

I would pay up to $25, but not more, that would be too much.

I hope someone will give me some data which i can pass to the ebay-dude so that he can send the stick quite cheap to me.

I hope im lucky


Hey i forgot to say that its to germany.. maybe it wasnt that clearly

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I would pay up to $25, but not more, that would be too much.

I hope someone will give me some data which i can pass to the ebay-dude so that he can send the stick quite cheap to me.


The news might not be too favorable. I went to Fed Ex, UPS and USPS and put in the dimensions for an adult stick going to Germany.

Fed Ex was roughly $100. UPS was $77. The Post Office was only $14.00 for Airmail Parcel Post BUT the length of a package can't exceed 60" when going to Germany. Our adult sticks are 67" when the toe touches the ground and shaft goes straight up. And the problem with international mail from the US is it can't be input online. Someone has to bring it to the Post Office and hope the clerk had enough sleep the previous night. I found the specifications at this page: Exceptional Size Limits towards the bottom under Exceptional Size limits.

I suggest you ask the post office in Germany how strict they'd be about the 60" limit and have the eBay guy ask the same thing at the US Post Office.

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