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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hyper Formula G's - looking for opinions

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I've heard lots of good things about them, and was wondering if anyone here uses the Hyper Formula G's ERA. If so, please share your experiences.

(how well they grip - specifically the 74A, how long the grip lasts, how long the wheel lasts, problems with chunking, etc)

Formula G's


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they were the best indoor wheels back in the day when it was mostly wood floors but that was a while ago.. these days those wheels are just plain junk espcially with the new sportscourts that are around now. your a lot better off paying an extra $1 and getting rinkrat hot shots or for the same price the labeda's gripper lites

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well i think hes talking about the new 2005 form gs out the bright green, orange and limited pink. i use the bright green and these grip like crazy, to me they r grippier and last alot longer than there top of the line trinity and i only skate on sport court or tiled surfaces. these r great wheels for the prices ive seen. i know alot of hypers sponserd teams were skating on these at narch in cincinatti. i would recommend these wheels to any hockey player. thats just my 2 cents

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well i think hes talking about the new 2005 form gs out the bright green, orange and limited pink. i use the bright green and these grip like crazy, to me they r grippier and last alot longer than there top of the line trinity and i only skate on sport court or tiled surfaces. these r great wheels for the prices ive seen. i know alot of hypers sponserd teams were skating on these at narch in cincinatti. i would recommend these wheels to any hockey player. thats just my 2 cents

Correct...this would be the new design (I guess)

That's why I added the link to a picture...to be clear which I meant.

Thanks for the input.

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Ive been on all three sets, green orange pink pink and green are the same i seemed to wear out the green and pink pretty fast though the orange work awesome though i love them..

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The green g's are awesome, I saw them at narch. Probably the grippiest wheel I've ever skated. Been on them since March and still goin strong. can't recommend them enough. I'm about 160. I think the orange ones are a little harder. probably better for the heavier guys.

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