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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Stick... which one?

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Hey guys, im buying a new stick...

preferably a one piece. So i was wondering

what i should buy... I'm 5 "4" about 110 pounds

and buying an intermediate stick. I shoot right handed

and like to deke.. pretty good at that if i mite say so myself

i currently am useing a intermediate regular flex tps blue rubber

and i have an easton cenior Iginla blade in it. I Can shoot the puck ok

dont usaly take slapshots.. and there not mite greatest shot. I occasianly take

a backhand here or there but by play AAA hockey i dont have to much time.. so I

usually take a quick wrist shot or fast snapshot.So any ideas.. one with some grip... ( like my rubber?) and not to heavy or really light? So if you guys have any ideas just post them ASAP thanks


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you like iginla so try out a Sl/Sl grip, or a St/St grip, the Stealth grip might be too light for you but you might as well feel it.

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Do a little research, find out what sticks are available in grip, Int flex and an Iginla curve. Find out how much you are willing to spend and then go from there. Everyone will have their prefrence for sticks. Just look at the worst stick thread, alot of people will say they love those sticks that the other person hates.

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