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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Red tape and gloves

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I've seen some posts suggesting that red tape is bad for your gloves. Is it really *bad* for gloves, or is it just discoloring - if the latter, I wouldn't really care. I have a roll lying around, and thought it would be a great way to identify my stick.

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personally i use white tape with red Rings (like the cat in the hat looking) and ive never had discoloration....also, my friend has used friction tape on his stick so it will grab his glove better, and he loves it and cant say he has lost palm life.

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I've used red tape for years on my butt ends (for identification and superstition purposes.) They have stained the hell out of my top hand glove palms. Also the palms do get chewed up quite a bit but I can't say if that's from the red tape or the knob.

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I use a roll of yellow Renfrew stick tape for my butt end and it hasn't stained my palms yet... haven't tried red yet.

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