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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fat and sugar

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About how many grams of fat and sugars should someone have in a days diet if looking to gain musle and lose fat? I've read some hockey/general conditioning books and can't find any ballpark numbers for those things. If it helps any I'm hovering at around 8-10% body fat, but looking to cut it down to 6-8% while gaining some lean muscle mass.

EDIT: Forgot to add that I'm using protein supplements and lifting weights/conditioning at least once a day. Also if you don't have any answers for the first question I'm looking for any tips that might help my goal listed above.

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read up on bodybuilding.com and talk with sb39, hes got great info. and keep the lifting to once a day and about 3-5 times per week to keep ur muscle and throw cardio in on ur off days.

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I'm doing the same thing as you right now, workout uppers Monday, Wednesday, Sunday, Lower is Tuesday, Thursday. I rotate every week, eg doing 3 days for lower, and 2 for upper, vice-versa. Cardio helps with losing fat, Guerilla cardio is what I do. It really works and keep er goin.

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There are a few different theories on how to lose fat while maintaining or even gaining muscle, but regardless, it takes the effort of a championship game over a long period of time, perfect to just-about-perfect diet, and a very fine tuned workout. Guerilla cardio, or one of the many high intensity interval training programs, performed i first thing in the day on either an empty stomach or after a small shake of about 20 grams whey and 40 grams dextrose (a type of sugar that you can buy in bulk packages).

I don't know your body numbers; height, weight... so nobody here can give you a daily caloric # to shoot for, but I can give you general pieces of advice. First, cut out sugar as much as possible from your diet. Get as many of your carbohydrates as possible, except for dextrose in pre and post workout shakes, from low GI sources- oats, vegetables, fiber, bran, wheat sources. Next, cut out as much saturated fats from your diet, which means less red meat too. eat more things with olive oil, or anyother fat source that is liquid at room temperature (liquid @ room = mono or polyunsaturated fats = good, solid @ room = saturated = bad). You probably want to supplement with fish oil pills, which are cheap at bulk stores like Cosco.

Overall, when people want to gain muscle and lose fat simultaneously, especially kids that are relatively new, and they don't want to take steroids or other illegal injections, which I don't recommend, then I say it would be better to focus more on cutting at first, which will also make you faster, pound-for pound stronger, and more conditioned, then start to eat more and change your workout to build more. I fyou have 3 or more months to train and the willpower to do it, I recommend this more than trying the most difficult and complex of routes.

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Going from 9% to 6% bodyfat is not that big of a change. It will help a little with your hockey. Basically, watch what you eat! Get rid of soda, juices, ice cream, cereal, candy, cakes, any fried food, white bread. Cut down on pasta, potatoes, etc. Get your carbs from vegies and fruit. Eat lots of lean meat, like chicken breasts, tuna, cottage cheese, eggs. Some veggies, like cabbage, take more calories to digest than they provide, so you can pig out on them!

As an example, breakfast could be scrambled eggs with egg whites (or just a few yolks if you can't stand the taste of egg whites only), a lean breakfast steak, some fruit, and maybe a small OJ.

Eat 5 small meals a day, to get that protein in.

Take some vitamin and mineral pills, but don't use megadoses. Some say fish oil pils help burn off the body fat too.

Of course, you will have to add back the carbs to the diet when the season starts, or you will have no energy. And don't do a protein only diet, as people have died from those.

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