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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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eagle x70i gloves

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Ya they do get pretty crusty... and do any of you know why they have the black things? Theyre not very durable cuz i already have holes through the black thing on the palm and the thumb on my top hand.

is thier anything that can reduce "crustyness"

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I have the microsuede on my Nylon x70 and the palms look great 5 months in. Avoid crustiness by drying the gloves thoroughly after every use. I love to hear guys boasting about how they just leave their gear in the bag, then have nerve to complain their stuff does not last.

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Ya they do get pretty crusty... and do any of you know why they have the black things? Theyre not very durable cuz i already have holes through the black thing on the palm and the thumb on my top hand.

is thier anything that can reduce "crustyness"

I've heard that putting baby powder in your gloves help to dry them out quickly and make them last longer.

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Ya they do get pretty crusty... and do any of you know why they have the black things? Theyre not very durable cuz i already have holes through the black thing on the palm and the thumb on my top hand.

is thier anything that can reduce "crustyness"

I've heard that putting baby powder in your gloves help to dry them out quickly and make them last longer.

do you put it both inside and outside of your gloves?

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Ya they do get pretty crusty... and do any of you know why they have the black things? Theyre not very durable cuz i already have holes through the black thing on the palm and the thumb on my top hand.

is thier anything that can reduce "crustyness"

I've heard that putting baby powder in your gloves help to dry them out quickly and make them last longer.

do you put it both inside and outside of your gloves?

When I do it I just put it in the inside.

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Ya it sorta helps. I've put it in my skates too, but just make sure you dont use too much or you get the white powder all over. lol

i once accidentally uused arm and hammor stuff.... all myy stuff somehow ended up smelling like ammonia

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my palms on my x70's are red and blue (my gloves are red, white, and blue) so how come yours are tan?

Are yours the international series?

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Ya they do get pretty crusty... and do any of you know why they have the black things? Theyre not very durable cuz i already have holes through the black thing on the palm and the thumb on my top hand.

is thier anything that can reduce "crustyness"

When you have finish to play, and you are back at home, unpacked your equipment and put a fan in front of your gloves and made them dry and it won't get crusty, that's what I do and it's working...

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my palms on my x70's are red and blue (my gloves are red, white, and blue) so how come yours are tan?

Are yours the international series?

no they arent, no stars or anything, just red white and blue x70's

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i dont know, my old red, black and white gloves had black and red palms, so i think thats just what cam on them. alos, my gloves are 2004 editions, so maybe yours are earllier then that, or 2005?

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