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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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does anyone know where i can find this curve? i have been searchin around and cannot find any more...its also called darby for easton

can some 1 tell me how many pucks i should shoot a day?

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You've been searching for this curve for a while. Why not just order some custom blades? Contact Sherwood and see what they can do for you in the composite department, or go with a tapered combo and see where it goes from there. From a quick search you've been searching since October, with varied results. Like I said in October, it's seems similar to a RP curve to me, so that may be a little easier for you to find.

And don't be a hero. Someone new obviously had some problems posting and I've replied to 2 of his topics, hopefully it gets him on track.

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ok then say that in the first place. dotn ahve to be adick about it.the only reason i asked was that i didnt know that i coudl get custom composite because i cant use wood anymore.

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How was I dick to you? I was remarking to the mis-post above! It's been said many times you can get custom blades from sherwood in the Axion form. I believe they do OPS, standard blades, and possibly tapered blades now.

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