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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hockey stores in edmonton

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Yep...United Cycle. It´s been 7 years since I`ve last been to Edmonton but that´s still your #1 address for sure. There has been a store that was selling Oilers pro stock stuff as well but I forgot the name.

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Yep...United Cycle. It´s been 7 years since I`ve last been to Edmonton but that´s still your #1 address for sure. There has been a store that was selling Oilers pro stock stuff as well but I forgot the name.

Totem Outfitters. It is near United cycle

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I don't live there any more....but bought my favorite gloves of all time (Jofa 686) at Klondike in 1983, and my first pair of 'paid for myself skates' (bauer supreme 100's) at United Cycle in 1982.

Nice to hear they are still the top dawgs in Edmonton.......THose purchases still rank up there for me. Isn't it funny how memories work? THe gloves and the skates pale in comparison to what exists now, but if I had to pick a favorite purchase or two, those would be it!

Damn, I was in love with that gear!


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I don't live there any more....but bought my favorite gloves of all time (Jofa 686) at Klondike in 1983, and my first pair of 'paid for myself skates' (bauer supreme 100's) at United Cycle in 1982.

Nice to hear they are still the top dawgs in Edmonton.......THose purchases still rank up there for me. Isn't it funny how memories work? THe gloves and the skates pale in comparison to what exists now, but if I had to pick a favorite purchase or two, those would be it!

Damn, I was in love with that gear!


United Cycle has moved just off of Whyte Ave., as of 1993.

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Totem isnt bad either, they sell used Oilers/Roadrunners OPS as well as gloves, glove selection is extremely pro but prostock OPS and blades arnt bad.

One thing tho if you want decent equipment and dont really kno much aviod sport checks or sport marts as some employees will say anything to close a deal as they work off commisions and most sport check only has 100, 110 flex and 50 flex no intermediates and they mostly sell Shanny and Lidstrom patterns although some of their sales are insane.

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yeah i agree with sport mart and sport chek employess not knowing anything, i work at sport mart. most of the guys in there know nothing.

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As been said before, United takes the cake. They have absolutely everything. Totem is for Pro Stock stuff, but I don't see why you'd shop there if you can go to United.

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Yep...United Cycle. It´s been 7 years since I`ve last been to Edmonton but that´s still your #1 address for sure. There has been a store that was selling Oilers pro stock stuff as well but I forgot the name.

Totem Outfitters. It is near United cycle

That´s the one....thanks! I´ve bought some TPS gloves for 15 $ over there :D ....

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