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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Off-ice drills

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I have really nice crossovers going to the left ,nice hop ,quick ,but going to the right my crossovers....need some work. Having bad crossovers makes me use a push thing instead of crossing over(i keep my right foot on the ice and push with my left foot) anyways ,does anyone know any good off ice drills to improve crossovers? would doing crossovers off ice in shoes help?

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I have really nice crossovers going to the left ,nice hop ,quick ,but going to the right my crossovers....need some work. Having bad crossovers makes me use a push thing instead of crossing over(i keep my right foot on the ice and push with my left foot) anyways ,does anyone know any good off ice drills to improve crossovers? would doing crossovers off ice in shoes help?

It will make your foot work better. You should get out of the habit of pushing with your left fast. Try power skating maybe.

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You should do karaoke steps, crossovers, quick feet. Make sure you get rid of the pushing with your left foot. Power Skating is the best though, get that done

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