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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Roller hockey pickup in Canada B.C

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For anyone who lives in Canada B.C

i'll be starting to rent out some floor time at the surrey rec center(by surrey central station so it's super easy to get there by skytrain) starting next week.. it'll be during the weekdays at night around 8. Plz let me know if your interested as we'll need more people including one more goalie.

details - roller hockey with puck, 2 hours floor time, $10 per person.

e-mail me at jasonsdaydream@hotmail.com

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Out here in South Surrey there is a lacrosse box that drop in roller hockey players can use when its avaible and its much better and its free to boot

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south surrey is a bit far for most of us though and is it a outdoor rink? would you be interested in coming out once in a while?

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south surrey is a bit far for most of us though and is it a outdoor rink? would you be interested in coming out once in a while?

Yes the rink is outdoors and I'm not old enough to drive so it would be hard for me to make it out to your part of town

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south surrey is a bit far for most of us though and is it a outdoor rink?  would you be interested in coming out once in a while?

Yes the rink is outdoors and I'm not old enough to drive so it would be hard for me to make it out to your part of town

Ya same with me but i could maybe find a way out there what ages are playing ?

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