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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is any1 here from tour

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The other day i realized a mess-up in my skates i was cleaning the bearings and i realized that the chassis was peircing the wheel cutting the wheel. What do i do to fix it, do i return it or wut? Its my front wheel on the right skate.



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i know someone that the same thing happend to them. we were at winter nationals and eddie from tour was there... im almost positive he took some wrench and bent it back.. that should do the trick.

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Not wishing to hijack the thread but when you first got your redmax, did they creak as you skated in them?

The reason I ask is that I have just received mine and after putting them on in the house to try to break them in (joy), they creak as I move about - particularly if my weight is focussed on the front / toes. I don't seem to remeber getting anything like this from my old Nikes and bauers.....

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A slapshot hit my Redmax chassis. Dang. The chassis was a bit bent in/dented. I took a wrench and hammer to pounded back to shape. Grrrrr.

The Redmax chassis is not as strong as the Blue Max and Beemer chassis.

sharks_34> I tried my Redmax on a hardwood floor and there was some creaking from the hardwood floor.

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