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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Superfeet vs Blade Alignment

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My son is 7. He is quite a good skater but he has a tendency to pronate (quite severly). Last year this problem was rectified by blade realignment (presumably they bring the blade in). I know it can also be fixed by superfeet.

My question is, is one fix better than the other & if so, why?

Thanks in advance.

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IMO blade alignment is more effective...if polyproplene sp? and or leather are used for shim, they can mold for the desired setting after certain amount of skating hours, also it is the blade which guides the boot, not the other way around. Depending on the problem just moving the blade inward, is also more effective in my opinion than insoles...but there definitely needs to be some experimentation to find the right setting...

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