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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Red Sox 20

Price on XX's now

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at my lhs,they are trying to get rid of old stock,they might bring the price up again if they are going to keep selling xxs, all they sell is top of the line and they have no product lines lower than the easton synergy 1300 and vapor xxx's and xx's(you get the point)

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$210 USD where i live

Where is that? Thats cheaper than sticks here in Canada.

Yeah, no joke. Where is this?

whatt thats expensive theyre 190 usd at my lhs

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yeah,but they were $210 in Dec. thats the last time i went to that shop,the prices are crazy. Its close to my house but i dont like the people that work there and plus they hire 12 yr.olds (for $4 per hour the owners want more money for themselves they have 2 workers that are even of legal age),under the table which i thought you couldnt do.

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na, hockey1 is 45 minutes away from me, i wanted to go so bad but i just got all new rbk gear and my mom wouldnt take me, my dad lives like 10 min. from south windsor and he rode by it to go his companys office. He said it looked like it was really crowded .I asked him to stop by and see if there was any cheap rollerblades,but he said he forgot to,but i know he was lying(hes a lazyass)

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