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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Question about our new outdoor inline rink?

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We just got out new outdoor inline rink floor complete. They laid a black top type tennis court down and then used some special inline paint over the top of it. At first it seemed really slippery. Every time I dug in my skates they would slide. Felt like ice. But I let the floor sit for a couple days and its much better but still slick in spots. Is this normal for a outdoor floor? Also we plan on using a ccm inline puck do you recommend those for outdoor use? Also with that type of floor would Asphalt wheels be neccassary? I wanted to attach pics of our rink but couldnt figure it out :( sorry

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It SOUNDS like the same surface they put down on an outdoor rink near me. You're going to want high durometer wheels, because the surface (if it's the same as the one we have) is only a step better than a parking lot. The good news is that even though they're hard wheels they should provide a good bit of grip. I've never been able to hockey stop on that surface. Regarding the puck, you'll notice that it rolls on its edge a LOT more than a smooth concrete, wood, or sport court surface. You'll also go through a lot of pucks, because the little nubbies will be worn off fast.

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I think your rink is kinda like ours in Singapore. Here we use the Millenium Pro Pucks. Don't think we could ever go back to the plastic ones.

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