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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rink Rats 76a to 78a

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Im gonna start using the rink rat hornet gold/white wheels with a 78a hardness.

I have been using 76a Hornets but there just getting cracks all over them so im getting sum harder 1s so they will last longer.

will i find the 78a have enough grip and performance?

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I did the same switch a month ago...

I did notice the difference in grip is a little less then the yellow ones. Nothing crazy, just noticed that I would wash out a little more trying to gain some speed outta the corners on my crossovers. Stopping was barely noticable, as well as speed. What surprised me however was the wear they are receiving. Yellow(76a) lasted 3 months, playing 3 times a week before cracking, then still lasted another month before I gave up on them. :) The gold ones I've had on for about 1.2 months now are seeing severe cracking on 4 of the 8 wheels as well as some minor chunking :angry: They probably have another week or so left in them at this point.

Rink Rats are by far the best wheel I've tried to date. Given that I will be purchasing new wheels shortly(RR's). The cracking on the gold's did get on my nerves, but hopefully it's just a bad batch.

Hope that hepled...

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I switched from the 76 to the 78's, and did not like them. I was slipping a lot more than with the 76's, and have since switched back.


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