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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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question about the contracts for players

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i was wondering this and after reading most of the stories from espn.com and looking around on here, i really wanted to ask to clarify it for me, sorry if this question was asked or if someone already gave a long answer but ok, can players and gms redo a contract, like can a players agent recontruct a contract for a player to take a pay cut, like someone who has a longer contract that is willing to take the blow to stay part of that team, im a red wings fan and lindstrom is going to take a big peice of the cap, would he be able to redo his contract early and take a cut if he was willing to, thanks alot

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From what I've read, I believe the answer is no. The player can remain at 24% off his 2004 salary, or the team can buy out his contract at 2/3 the value. However, if they buy out the contract the player cannot play for that team.

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