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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My future in hockey

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sometimes it is hard to meet people in college, and hockey could be a great social outlet, also it could keep you out of trouble to some degree and maybe get you in some as well. Remember though you're there to get a degree so your studies should come first, everything after that is up to you.

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I'll have to maybe make this decision maybe in a couple of years. ( I think I have a decent shot at Illinois.)

2 practices for you isn't that much. My cousin plays for Lindenwood and they practice everyday and he likes it.

If you play your freshman year and don't like it you know not to do that again.

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Hey man, I play college club roller, in the WCRHL. I started out freshman year with 3 2-hour practices a week and tournaments about once a month, and I made so many friends along with that outside of hockey it was unbelievable,and that's outside of my fraternity and teh greek system as well. Tryout and play. As long as you have the self control to not let any one thing dominate your attention too much, and when youre not at practice, the gym, or games, don't let the team dominate your thoughts, you will never even come close to regretting it. I just finished my 4th year of college, and I'll firmly tell you this; one of the fundamental secrets to expanding your life as much as possible in college, having as much fun as possible, and meeting some of the best friends you will ever have, is multitasking. Be able to juggle more aspects of your life, mostly new ones, without dropping any too far and without burning out, and you will have more fun than you have ever conceived of. Don't get into the internet videogames that are so easy on the college T1 lines, don't get too obsessed with a girl or any single activity, and your life will expand and improve at a dizzying pace. DONT LET ANY ONE OR TWO THINGS BECOME THE FOCII OF YOUR LIFE, and you're gonna do fine. Get excited buddy, cuz college is the greatest thing in your life on a scale you have never dreamed of.

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College club hockey is one of the best ways to get involved in your school. I started the club team at my school. We play ACHA D3, but i have met a lot of people who i never would have and have some great friends to show for it. Anyone who has the chance to get involved in club sports of any kind their freshman year should. It is a great way to meet people and maybe even get some advice from people who have been in college for a while. Even with all the hard work and time it took to start the team and still takes to run it, it is worth every ounce of effort... and this coming from a guy who's team started out with 34 straight losses ;)

just made the first win even better... esp since i had 4 of the 5 goals in the game :D

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