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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stained underarmour

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My wife bought me a white underarmour top. My concern is that I have an old pait of CCM shoulder pads that are the blue. red, green pattern from a few years ago. Has amyone had problems with their rops getting stained from their pads? I'm debating having her return it for black or grey.

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My wife bought me a white underarmour top. My concern is that I have an old pait of CCM shoulder pads that are the blue. red, green pattern from a few years ago. Has amyone had problems with their rops getting stained from their pads? I'm debating having her return it for black or grey.

My white underarmor t-shirt (heat gear) hasn't acquired any stains yet, but I wash it after every use. The only complaint I have is that since it fits so snugly it is almost see thorugh and I'm a little modest.

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I have had my white UA for 1.5 years and its color is still the same as when I got it and I'm a guy who sweats alot. My shoulder pads are black and it still is fine. Just my opinion but who cares what it looks like as long as it works ;)

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I am a goalie and wear a type of under-armour. Last season I started using it after hearing how well they work. It' true, the stuff makes you feel great while playing. My shirt is white and after the seasons ended, no stains. Also, last season I did a test with my product. The final six games I used the same shirt and did not wash it. Only spraying Funk Free on it after each game. The day after the sixth game, still no odors or stains. As we all know though, white will stain. Black is beautifull!

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