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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best Mouthguard

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last night I received my custom mouthpiece, its called a Snap Captor...feels amazing, and I can actually talk as If I had nothing in my mouth!

It sticks to my jaw, and I actually need to use my hand to remove it from mu mouth! :D

Cant wait to try it on tomorrow!

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I actually was in the same exact dilema about 2 months ago. If you go to your dentist and request a higher protective mouth guard (classified for boxing//hockey) then you won't regret it. I never seemed to get a good enough most with the ones you can just buy and drop in water. Also, the custom mouth piece will fit so well not just in the mold but also how it would rub against your lip, etc. You just can't get that good of a mold w/out going custom. Meaning, you can also yell more and speak clearly.

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Also, the custom mouth piece will fit so well not just in the mold but also how it would rub against your lip, etc.  You just can't get that good of a mold w/out going custom.  Meaning, you can also yell more and speak clearly.

exactly! B)

I paid 150$ cdn for mine!

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The "Edge" mouthgaurd is great, supposedly, the position of the rubber or something increases blood flow to the brain or something and increases your performance by 10%.

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