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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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z air comp skates

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has anyone converted a pair of z air comp skates into inline skates? if so what size chassis would a size 10.5 ice boot use, and does anyone have a suggestion for a good hilo chassis?

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I have. Turned out to be a real nice setup. I really liked them.

I would use a Large frame. Mine were 8's and I was on a Medium. I used the Red Star Eframe. Fantastic frame. I have NO complaints. I've had one on a pair of old Missions and they still look new. The screws go in and stay in, weight is good, and it's hi-lo. I highly reccomend them.

One complaint about the skates though. The outsole right under the front foot (top cap) began to separate. Nothing too drastic, didn't hinder performance. But it was coming apart. I guess you could use some epoxy. My little bro is on them now, and has no problems. Maybe it's just a looks thing, but I'm guessing in a some more time, they won't be usable. My LHS dude told me Ice boots aren't made to anchor the weight of a chassis, which is heavier than a holder and blade. So with time, it starts to separate. I was gonna convert some G series Grafs, but with that problem and the problem G skates with outsoles coming off anyway, I thought it was a bad investment.

I'd say go for it. If you got them cheap, no big deal. It was a solid year before I noticed any separation...some normal skates don't last that long before something happens. Just wanted you to be aware.

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thanks, i have the boots laying around cause they were my old ice skates and when i got the synergy skates i just took off the tukks i had on there and put them on my new boots so i have no holder for these boots. where did you happen to get that chassis?

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I bought 2 pairs of Red Stars and 1 Mission Generator from 1800Faceoff.com and I bought 1 pair of Red Stars from ThePenaltyBox.com.

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