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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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elite hockey league

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Sorry NI44 I haven't personally seen any games but I know a guy who coached in the league for a few years and he said the talent isn't bad but not great.

no probs mate lol, who did he coach, since i started watchin british hockey the standard IMO has risen altho that may be due (certanly last year) to the lockout.

unfortunley there isnt alot of money about the game over here so it is hard to attract big players but any player i have talked to says they love it over in belfast and have enjoyed the lifestyle and way we play the game

did your friend enjoy living and working in the UK?

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Ya he liked it. He is know coaching in Norway. I can't remembered what city the team coached was from. Although I'm pretty sure it was in England and the team's name was the bees.

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Adam91 where are you from, have you ever seen british hockey, what are you talking about. My mate was talking to bobby Ryan a few months ago and he says the elite league is renouned as one of the toughest leagues about and roughest too

sort it out son

Maybe you can film a game or put one on here if you have one, so we can help you compare to leagues over here.

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Maybe you can film a game or put one on here if you have one, so we can help you compare to leagues over here

that would be a good idea but i dont know how to do it

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