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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Can loose skates cause ankle problems?

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Quick history ... last fall I got back into hockey after taking time off for illness. My skates had several cracks in the frames, so I had to get new ones. It was right when the new Mission line came out, so I got the first pair of HE950s in my area. Even though I had asked for a 10.5D size, I didn't notice until after they were baked and skated on twice or so that they were an EE width.

I didn't say anything to the shop since I guess it ends up being my fault for not 100% checking, so ...

I skate with a second pair of socks to help take up the extra space in the skates. It seems to be fine, except my ankle/heel area seems to be a little 'sore' or something. For example, the other day I got to the mall with my wife just before they were closing (to return a birthday gift for a different size). I go to run/walk fast to the store, and my ankles feel like thye want me to stop and walk again.

It's not affecting my hockey it seems, but I have never had something like this happen before. Hard to explain how it feels, but maybe it makes sense.

My 950s have held up so far, regarding the eyelet stuff, so I don't have a need or the money to get new skates just to get the proper size. They are great skates and I don't have the need or money to get the new ones coming out, although I would love to based on what I have seen here. With the skates being too wide for me, is that something that will cause problems and should I just suck it up and buy new skates of the proper with, and make sure this time that they are the correct size?

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For me the HE950 D width feels much bigger than before. Anything other than DNA skates fit me perfectly in the same size, but with the 950's the boot leaves a lot of extra room. I haven't baked my skates yet, but right now they feel as stiff as my Bauer ice boots, something very uncharacteristic of any of the Mission skates I've owned. This leads to blisters on the inner side of my ankle and where the tongue bites.

For the ankle/heel pain you're probably just distributing your body weight in an awkward way through your skates. You should definitely think about trading in your skates on this forum for a smaller width.

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Well, maybe I'll have to suck it up and buy some new skates once the new line is out. I don't want to have problems with my ankles, and I figure a better fit will help me out also. Kind of sucks, but I guess it was my mistake in originally not noticing they gave me the wrong width.

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